In the Queenes Maiesties name, I will and require you to appeare before me at [Higham ple.] in the Countie of [North] the [xvith] day of [Octob.] next comming, by viii of the clocke in the forenoone, to accompt and make payment of the issues of your farme, bringing with you all acquittances, Terrari


In the Queenes Maiesties name, I will and require you to appeare before me at [Higham ple.] in the Countie of [North] the [xvith] day of [Octob.] next comming, by viii of the clocke in the forenoone, to accompt and make payment of the issues of your farme, bringing with you all acquittances, Terraries, Leases, and all other things touching your accompt. Not fayling hereof as you will auoyde the forfayture of your Lease and other penalties in that behalfe prouided. London, the [sixth] day of Iuly. [1595.] William Pureueye Auditor.

A summons issued to a farmer requiring him to appear before the auditor, William Pureveye, to make provisions to pay taxes on farm.

1 sheet ([1] leaf) ; 8 x 18 cm.


SNAC Resource ID: 7963574

Nolan, Norton & Company, Incorporated

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Bullen, Henry Lewis, 1857-1938 (person)

Librarian of the American Type Founders Company, Jersey City, New Jersey. From the description of Henry Lewis Bullen papers, 1908-1912. (Newberry Library). WorldCat record id: 32903024 From the description of Henry Lewis Bullen printing history collection, 1933-1936. (Newberry Library). WorldCat record id: 32882611 ...

Pureveye, William. (person)